Does it ever feel like no matter how much you work on yourself…

…no matter how much effort you put in…

…that you still haven’t arrived “there” yet?

Yuppppp. I know, that frustrating feeling sucks!

BUTTTTT… you’re not alone. This is actually a huge trap that *everyone* falls into at times.

I recently found the perfect analogy to explain how this phenomenon works.


I just shot a 2-minute video (in Budapest!) that explains how you can stop undervaluing all of the growth that’s already occurred within you!

Check it out… You’ll feel better after. 🙂

And by better, I mean more grounded, confident and perhaps, even more proud of yourself.

Big hug!

You amazing mother-lover, you.

Budapeeeeeest!!! 🙂

On purpose,


PS: Drop a comment below and let me know one area of your life where you often forget how much you’ve grown.

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