I got punched in the face.

Not once, but twice. And the last thing I wanna do is talk about it.

But screw it. Here goes…

The story starts back in 2010 when I first started Sensophy.

Brand new to the world of blogging and knowing nothing about business – I was just like the rest of us – fumbling around trying to find some standing ground without falling flat on my face.

I had left my cash-cow 9-5 gig earlier that year without the slightest idea of how the hell things would work out. All I knew for sure was I had to try.

On a quest to consume any kinda content that could help, I came across Crush It.

Crush It was a book by this animated character named Gary Vaynerchuk – which basically said that you can get paid to work with your passion.

Why? Because, as Gary Vee explained, the barrier to entry for creating a business has been removed.

In other words, thanx to the internet, all we need is a $700 laptop, a cable modem, and the willingness to hustler harder than we ever have before.

Shit was dope!

It was 2010 but so many of us had been brainwashed by previous generations “guiding us” with life advice from the ‘60s.

Consequentially, we’ve inadvertently inherited a collective dogma that cripples our dreams and pollutes our life-purpose.

These social-norms tell us all about how we *should* and *shouldn’t* live our lives – about who we *can* and *can’t* be.

Crush It cut thru the crap like a colonoscopy.

I took 7 pages of notes – no bullshit. (see attached)

And ultimately, it laid the blueprint for Sensophy to turn from a kid who knew nothing about anything, to now being well on its way into a 6-figure business.

But back to my bloody nose this week.

Now that I’m writing this, it’s not so bad. But the last thing I wanted to do was write this blog post.

We just launched our new website, rocked a kick-ass virtual conference, and are putting together a small rockstar mastermind group for coaches…

Do I really need to write a damn post swinging from Gary’s shaft right now?


I do.

I didn’t want to.

But I did.


Back to 2010.

I was just as doubtful about following my bliss as anyone else… but had an unrelenting urge to try.

And trying meant taking my life and turning it into a massive experiment.

After writing a Tim Ferriss inspired blog post called Why It’s Realistic To Be Unrealistic, I got a challenge.

A challenge that was completely ridiculous.

A challenge that there was no way I would ever achieve.

A challenge that would end up shocking everyone, even myself.

But I’ll let the young whippersnapper Jacob Sokol in this video from 2010 explain the details.

Long saga short, I documented the entire process!

From how I approached it

To my moments of doubt

And what I learned in the process…

Ultimately, I asked Gary a very direct question: “Do you give a fuck?!”

And well… I’ll let this nut job tell you how it worked out.

The OG Gary Vee has schooled your boy to a lot over the last few years.

And as with any teacher, we always learn from more their actions then from their ranting. Here are a few of the jewels:

  • First and foremost, BE YOURSELF! People wanna do business with PEOPLE… And the more human you can be, the more people will relate, connect, and wanna engage with you. For me, that absolutely means throwing out some F-bombs, or quoting A Tribe Called Quest, or making flirtatious comments. No one can be a better Jacob than Jacob – it’s my competitive advantage.
  • I’ve learned the more I GIVE A FUCK about peeps, the more successful I’ll be. So I’ve sent postcards to anyone on our mailing list who wanted one from places like Hawaii and Japan. I’ve sent a surprise can of my dad’s favorite coffee to someone who I knew liked coffee. When people have emailed me a question, I’ve told them straight up that I’d be able to serve them better if I jumped on the phone with them, so let’s talk instead.
  • I’ve learned to BE CRAZY ACCESSIBLE – I used to give my phone number out to the thousands who signed up for our newsletter telling them to hit me up sometime. At the end of interviews, instead of telling people to email me, I’d say call me! I had my home address on the about page of our site for like 3 years!
  • I’ve learned that SEX ISN’T THE ONLY THING THAT SELLS – so does passion! Look at the damn video above. If you could bottle that energy and sell it, you’d make a killing. And it’s been that type of curious enthusiasm that’s lead me to become friends with many of the people whose books are on my shelf.
  • I’ve learned to KEEP IT REAL, and play fair, because the days of being able to hide are over. The internet is word of mouth on steroids – so integrity is essential. And you can’t fake this funk. You gotta do it right, or don’t do it at all.

And the most recent thing I’ve learned is…

The power of a right hook!

Last Tuesday, Gary released his latest book:

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

And this is how I got (metaphorically) punched in the face….

Screen Shot 2013-11-28 at 8.38.06 PM (1)Screen Shot 2013-11-28 at 8.38.33 PM (1)Screen Shot 2013-11-28 at 8.40.40 PM

It’ll all make sense in a minute.

You see that first tweet up there? That’s me getting “punched” in the face.

Fuck. Shit. Someone get me a napkin and a bag of ice.

That’s Gary coming along and *asking* for my attention.

Asking for the dollars in my bank account.

And as much as I didn’t want to focus on anything other than my vision, I had to help.

Gary had already *given* so much to me… and this is exactly what his book is about…


Jab. Jab. Jab. Right hook!

Whether it’s life or business… the idea is simple.

Give… Give… Give… THEN ask!

Serve… Serve… Serve… THEN receive!

Jab… Jab… Jab… THEN right hook!

Help… Help… Help… THEN be helped!

Make sense?

Every time you do something for someone (without any reciprocal expectation), you’re jabbing…

Help a friend move to a new crib – jab.

Spot your homey a few hundo when they’re tight on cash – jab.

Babysit for your sister when she wants to pretend she’s in her 20s again – jab.

Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab. Jab.

But then, ask your mom to watch your cats while you head to Bali for a month – right hook! :o)

Make sense?!

Here’s how this looks in the context of business…

Every time we write a blog post – jab. (We’re giving)

Every time I hit you back on twitter – jab.

Every time we share a cool little image in our Facebook status – jab.

33 free interviews on our homepage – (mega) jab.

Can’t afford our products? Pick your own price – jab.

Just $25 for our private Sensophy Inner Circle community where you can get on the phone every single week and ask me anything you want – yes, even that is a jab!

Sometimes we jab people for years before they ever give us a dollar, but we love that!

So why should you care?

Well, maybe you shouldn’t.

But if you do online business, or ever plan to, or like social media, or care about someone who does…

This book is all about how to set up your “gives” (aka jabs) so that when you wanna “ask” (aka right hook), people respond.

And your business succeeds.

I’m about 1/2 way through reading it and I’m LOVING how Gary gives all these different examples of famous companies like Mercedes Benz, Dunkin’ Donuts – even Lil Wayne! – that are using social media wrong. Gary critiques them publicly so we can learn from their mistakes.

Kinda makes you feel better about life. :o)

As I read this book, I’m getting all types of ideas for how we can step up our game here at Sensophy.

And I wanna offer a challenge to anyone who reads this book…

If you figure out ways we can use this wisdom in our company, and are excited to rock it for us, there’s a chance we’ll bring you on to our team!

No promises. And you shouldn’t take on this challenge unless it’s a “HELL YEAH” for you, but if it is… we say go for it!

Gary has been one of the biggest influences in our business’ success, and if you like this business, you’ll love his book.

Go get it!

Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy Social World

And while you’re waiting for it to arrive…

Peep this dope chat he had with Marie Forleo last week:

I’m curious…

Do you know a person or business that’s hooked you up SO much that it made you wanna give back to them?

Who were they and why’d you wanna give back?!

Drop a comment and I’ll reply!

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