Attention!There are a bunch of priceless components that come complementary with your first class ticket to the Sensophy freak show. The one that continues to come up consistently is its community. You know, the fact that we all get to hang out with outstanding individuals and call on each other for wise words of advice!

So from time to time, we’re all known to lean on our support systems and utilize their weapons of mass perfection… Today is one of those days.

I wanna’ hear what kinda’ topics you’re interested in chatting about. So, I asked the Sensophy Facebook community and here’s what we came up with:

Chris Jones asked us:

What’s *really* stopping the human race from solving its major problems? (i.e., nutrition, sustainability, world peace)

So whadda’ ya think?

I’ll show you my answer, but first you show me yours!


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