How do I deal with nervous moments?

In this video I talk about those scary moments when you're doing something that makes you SO nervous that you wanna back out and take the easy road.

9 Comments6 Minutes

A Chance for Young Adults to Change the World

We're in the process of interviewing over 50 world-class thinkers to find their best wisdom available for dealing with today's challenges. Wanna help?

3 Comments1 Minutes

Let’s Raise Our Quality Of Life Together

Do you think you could increase the quality of your life? Could you feel better, think smarter, laugh more, control your thoughts, & express yourself?

12 Comments10 Minutes

How do i start living an extraordinary life?

How do people start living a higher quality and more extraordinary life? Living an extraordinary life starts by becoming an extraordinary person.

5 Comments4 Minutes

How is it possible to get paid to do what you love?

Whatcha think? Is it possible to get paid to do what you love? And if so, HOW?! In this video, Jacob gives you a real life example using his own life!

6 Comments1 Minutes

Finding and Living Your Purpose Group Coaching

Download last week's Finding & Living Your Purpose *Group* Coaching-Call and find out what other people are going through on *their* journey!

2 Comments1 Minutes

What would you pay to do?

In this video, Jacob ask's two powerful questions that you can use as a roadmap to find the right path for *you* in life.

15 Comments1 Minute

The Minimalists’ Approach to Living On Purpose

In this video interview, I talk with Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus to bring you the *minimalists'* approach to Living On Purpose.

65 Comments1 Minute

Is giving the new getting?

In this video, Jacob talks about *giving* being the new getting. The more that we give to others, the more that'll be given to us, to give! :)

5 Comments1 Minute

How can you help, if you can’t help yourself?

In this video, Jacob talks about how our purpose is to GIVE. But in order to give, sometimes the selfless thing to do is GET. :)

20 Comments1 Minute