Konichiwa soul-sibling!

Sushi, sushi, sushi. That be the scoop. My belly be the container. Proceedings will ensue, but first, a few pieces of evidence from this eating frenzy….


Quickly: 24 hours after I shot this video, I was standing in virtually the same spot and a 7.3 earthquake hit. BAM. The pool’s water was rocking back and forth, overflowing from side to side. Needless to say, this New Yorker is used to a little shaking and moving. All is good!

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Ever feel an impulse to nurture a seed of passion planted deep in the depths of your soul? What stops you from concentrating your energy on germinating that seed of potential? Do you doubt its capacity for flourishing? Would its fruition be short lived? And if you did nothing now, on your deathbed, would you regret squandering this momentary opportunity?

For the last few weeks, I haven’t shut up about the importance of nurturing social relationships. This week will be no different 🙂 Why? Because the world’s leading social-scientists point to a magnitude of positive benefits from nurturing and engaging in meaningful relationships. In fact, having quality relationships is *THE* best predictor of a person’s high level of well-being.

Feeling the wisdom. Sense-sophy. That’s what this is all about. And with a recent revelation as sobering as this, last week I publicly made a commitment. I decided that I’d spend time with someone every day focusing on connecting from my core, listening deeply to them, and attempting to address their unspoken needs. I gave 8 concrete ways to better engage with people, and one of ’em was to support peeps.

In the spirit of supporting peeps, today’s a day we get to do that.

Introducing the star of today’s show…

If you’re unfamiliar with my buddy Nathan Agin, get familiar! Say what you want about him (I do), but Nathan is a dude who questions societal norms and adjusts his living conditions accordingly and unconventionally.

Rewind 3 years: Existentially vacant, Nathan was living in LA for a decade and decided that enough was enough. Long story butchered, he decided to sell all of his stuff, head to an organic farm in Hawaii, and has since continued traveling around the USA for the last 2+ years.

Nathan is like a brother to me. Seriously. And I mean that in the most “you don’t get to choose your family” kind of way. For some reason (yeah, I’m looking at you, god), I feel called to have him as part of my life and we’ve developed a deep connection over the past few years.

Before I left for Japan last week, I sat down to virtually kick it with Nathan about his audacious new project, Travel Eat Thrive – a travel show focused on finding scrumptious, fresh, and nutritious food.

Yes, the man who’s been living nomadically for the last two years knows something about finding healthy food while out on the road. Shocking.

Join today’s conversation for an (organic) juicy behind-the-scenes taste of:

  • How he chooses which path, project, and passion to engage in
  • What REALLY goes into fertilizing the seeds of his dream
  • What he’s learned from taking on this audacious project
  • 3 tips you can walk away with to help you start traveling healthier today

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Travel Eat Thrive

Check out the trailer for Nathan’s show…

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Less Than 5 Days Left

If you’re inspired by this project and believe in the impact that healthy travel can make, head on over to the Travel Eat Thrive KickStarter page. If you can financially afford it, consider donating some cake to this extravaganza.

There’s 5 days left for the project to reach it’s goal of $7,000+ and if it doesn’t meet its requirements, everyone will get refunded.

If it does meet its requirements, well, smoothies are on Nathan.

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