7 years ago I discovered there’s a simple science behind happiness.

It’s a field known as Positive Psychology… and it was founded on a simple idea:

Happiness comes from using your strengths.

Well, how the hell was I supposed to know my strengths?

It turns out, the “science geeks” put together a test you could take to find your strengths!

So I took it… And I distinctly remember how absolutely bummed-out I felt when I found out that “curiosity” was one of my top strengths.

CURIOSITY? Really? The same shit that killed the cat?

I wanted strengths more exciting, like being charismatic – or brilliant – or hilarious.

But you see, there was a life-changing lesson here waiting for me to learn it.

And if you’ve been questioning how to step up into your next level of greatness, fulfillment, and success, well this lesson could be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.

I remember listening to an Eminem interview back in the day where he talked about how he used to punch holes in the wall at the burger joint he worked at.

He was LIVID that no matter how hard he tried or how good of a rapper he became, no major Hip-Hop record labels were willing to sign him.

(Getting “signed” was the definition of success back then.)

Em’ was FUMING with anger saying, “It’s cuz I’m white. It’s cuz I’m white. No labels will sign me because I’m white.”

(You’ve gotta remember, 99% of rappers weren’t white.)

Fast forward and Eminem has currently sold over 150 million albums worldwide.

That makes him the NUMBER ONE best-selling hip-hop artist of all time.


So what changed that enabled him to become the colossal success he has?

It turns out…


You see, the exact reason he initially couldn’t sell any records ended up becoming the rocket-fuel that blasted him into insane stardom:

Cuz he’s white!

Eminem learned that instead of seeing it as a flaw, something that needed to be hidden – he could use it a strength, enabling him to standout in a crowded industry.

And that’s the wisdom that I learned from both Eminem and Positive Psychologists:


Double down.

And go ALL IN on what’s unique about you.

Instead of wishing you were smarter, hotter, happier or whatever it is that you wish, learn how to lean into the gift of YOUR cards.

Because when you do, you enter onto a path of deep fulfillment, wild freedom, and feeling like you’re doing what you’re meant to do.

Take a moment right now to think about “that thing” that you wish was different about you.

Because “that thing” is the greatest card you’ve got when you learn how to USE IT… instead of wishing you could lose it.

PS: I spent today using my CURIOSITY to prepare a slew of interesting questions for amazing guests I’ll be having on the WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?! podcast.

Topics range from making more money, to living up to your potential, to creating amazing relationships and beyond. If you’re not already, subscribe to the podcast and join us here!