It starts like every other day.

You wake up. Brush your teeth. Open the shades. And take a shower.

But imagine if, unbeknownst to you, it’s not like every other day. And an exhilarating challenge to step DEEPLY into your purpose is just a few hours away.

If a thrilling dream of yours had the potential to become real, but forced you to step WAY out of your comfort zone — possibly even in front of 1,000s of people — what would you do?

Would you risk ostracism with the intention of being self-expressed while supporting other people in living more fulfilled lives?

Hold up. You don’t know any of this is about to happen yet.

Everything Seemed Normal

With bed-head and rubbing my eyes, I woke up last Thursday the same as every other day.

I banged out my AM meditation. Fed the cats. Hydrated. And was getting ready to rock my two morning coaching calls.

I had no idea of what was about to happen.

Quickly glancing over my inbox, I saw an email from the Huffington Post which said they had published a blog post of mine:

12 Things Happy People Do Differently — And Why I Started Doing Them


Now, this may sound a little douchey, but it wasn’t really a big deal.

The reason why I was most interested in getting a blog post published on the Huff Post was so when our newly designed Sensophy website launches in November (!!), we can say “As Seen In” the Huff Post.

More credibility to help grow the community. :o)

A small celebration for the 2 months of maneuvering it took to get that post published, and now back to our regularly scheduled program, folks.

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It’s 10:30am and your boy drops into the zone. Laser-like focus and 2 hours of coaching calls begin.

And by the time I wrap up the sessions at 12:30pm, I’m pretty damn beat.

Beat or not, I have an interview with my buddy Andy Drish in just 30 minutes at 1pm. So I do a quick 15 minute meditation to reboot my brain. And right before we jump on Skype, I check the Huff Post article and see that it’s starting to spread — like fucking wildfire!!  The post had been live for just 4 hours and had been “liked” on FB over 900 times!

Well, that’s fun.

But back to business. Interview time with by Burning Man buddy, Andy. And by the time we wrap it up, the clock ticks 1:45pm and I’m trying to talk myself out of a run and into a nap. I’m shot.

In a desperate attempt for a dopamine shot before I drop, I quickly glance at my email and see that Rebecca, who handles most of Sensophy’s emails, had forwarded me something from Huff Post Live which went something like this:

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My Stomach………. Dropped.

For just a quarter of a second, this feeling of “I so wish I was in a cubicle right now” swept over me.

The call to adventure, my friends. Ringa. Linga. Ring.

It’s the path with a heart that most scares us, yet it simultaneously offers a gateway to step deeply into our purpose with the potential to metamorphosize into a person whose head and heart are congruent.

It’s a death and a rebirth. The pain, suffering, and angst of giving birth precede the joy, fulfillment, and love of this new life. To channel a little Joseph Campbell, we have to be willing to let go of who we are in order to become what we’re capable of being.

Michael Bernard Beckwith says, “Rudimentary spirituality is theory; advanced spirituality is practice.”

Well, for everyone who’s wondering, here’s one of the things that REALLY sucks about being a coach:

You can’t just theorize! You have to actually live the theory.

But that’s also the blessing because this is how we continue to grow and live life authentically aligned with our hearts and dreams.

So with less than 2 hours to prepare, I tell Huff Post Live, Screw it – I’ll do it! and the games begin.

(FYI – I didn’t actually say “Screw it” to the Huff Post.)


Huff Po Live!

I decided to throw the webcam on as the escapades unraveled. I could tell you theory for years but I think there’s something so humanizing and relatable in welcoming you into my actual experience that day.

Gandhi says, “My life is my message” and I say, “Word up!”

My Shirtless State of Mind Before the Interview

A Short Clip From the Interview

–> You can see the full extended version here. <–

My Dancing State of Mind After the Interview

There you have it, folks. No one died. No puppies were put to sleep. And although I may or may not have lost circulation in my hands at one point in the interview, the magnetic polarity of the planet has not been reversed. All is good. And the article continues to be spread virally. It currently has more than 30,000 likes on FB and that’s just after 4 days of being live.

But the story doesn’t end there.

The Thing We All Fear — It Came True!

After 3.5 years in the game, it’s the first time in my “wellness career” that I’ve ever had to deal with this “thing”.

This “thing” is one of the main reasons why we’re reluctant to actually be ourselves.

It’s also one of the main reasons why we stay complacent in our jobs, suck it up, and don’t follow our dreams.

And it’s also the thing which you might view as a sign to run back to your safety blanket the moment you’re faced with it.

Any idea what I’m talking about?

The………. HATERS!

(AKA progress!)

If you check out the “favorite” comments in the article, you’ll see things along the lines of:

“I for one am tired of rich white men quitting their job, going off on some vision quest, and returning home to tell the world how easy life is.”


I told that to my mom and she belly-laughed.

And while a small (okay, medium-sized) part of me wanted to go back and write something like…

“What if the author of this article was on welfare as a child? Parents divorced when he was 5? Grew up in a 1-bedroom basement apartment that flooded? Made $12 per hour out of college? And grew his business over the course of 3.5 years on sweat equity?”

…I didn’t respond.

Most of the people who left those kinda comments are SO far removed from our tribe here at Sensophy that it doesn’t feel like they deserve our time or energy.

I’m interested in serving YOU — creating a space where you can be yourself without being wrong and live with a greater sense of authenticity, growth, purpose, and connectedness.

I want to support you in getting to know yourself. I want to support you in finding people you can connect with on a soul level. And I want to support you in creating your most ideal, fulfilled life possible.

I wish the best for the haters. After all, hurt people hurt people. And they don’t need 12 things to do which will make them happier. They need a hug!

Besides, they missed the whole point of the article — that these are specific ACTIONS we can take RIGHT NOW to create a better life, instead of blaming others for our misfortunes and complaining that others have it easier.

I hope you’ll take a moment to celebrate this milestone with us as a community, and relish in the fact that we can be ourselves here without being wrong for it. No shame in our game.

And the next time you’re called into a path with a heart, take a jump knowing that you can overcome the fear of judgement and uncertainty by being yourself without being wrong for that.

Big love, homeboys and girls.


PS: Be Yourself Without Being Wrong!

If you want to be yourself without being wrong for it, I highly, *HIGHLY* suggest that you join us for our Sensophy’s Inner Circle call.

We have these calls every Tuesday at 5pm EDT and it’s a place where you’ll hear the most authentic stories of people just like you who are working through the challenges of uncertainty, judgment, and striving for something better in life. Then we add a little mentoring, coaching, and a private FB community to the mix and that shit is like Miracle Grow(th)! :o)

It’s only $25 per month, and if cash is tight, please let us know so we can hook you up for free! Any questions, hit us up with those, too!

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