This month I turned 30.


And while age is just a number, entering a new decade has me doing lots of questioning…

What impact am I inspired to make in the next decade?
Who in the world is inspiring me most… and why?
Who the hell is this? Paging me at 5:46 in the morning!

While I live into those questions, I’m hanging here in Bali and preparing for our upcoming Sensophy retreat that starts on Friday.

And since I’m spending more time doing transformational work offline these days, I’m gonna hook you up with 3 transformational movies you can watch online.

Here are 3 movies that’ll change how you see the world.

1. Finding Joe

What it’s about: This flick shows how there’s one universal pattern that all humans experience. That means me, you, Gandhi, Einstein, Obama and everyone in between.

Why you wanna watch it: If we can understand this pattern (called The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell), we’ll have the wisdom to skillfully navigate it. This flick is a crash course in dealing with life’s biggest challenges. And I recommend it to every one of my coaching clients and program participants.


2. Supermensch

What it’s about: A dude named Shep Gordon who has managed more talent in the last 40 years than nearly anyone. This guy has a huge heart and is a maestro at executing outta-the-box ideas that create massive results.

Why you wanna watch it: This flick is fun and simultaneously super inspiring. I learned from my coach that wealth comes from profound service mixed with bold creativity. Peep this movie to see that in action.


3. Transcendent Man

What it’s about: Do you have any idea where you’ll be in 30 years? No, you can’t. And neither can the smartest people in the world. That’s because they’re predicting that we’re going to hit a point called Singularity – where computers become millions of times smarter than humans. And this will be the end of our species as we know it. This shit is tripped out!

Why you wanna watch it: Warning: You might not wanna watch it. Because nothing is freakier than reality. But if you’re reading this, you’re a fan of growth and seeing new perspectives. Check this out if you’re into exploring where we’re headed as a species. It can give you a grounded appreciation for the present while opening your eyes to what lies ahead.


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What are your favorite flicks?

Have you seen a movie that’s inspired you to see something a new way? Share it below and let us know why we’ll wanna watch it.

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