What one great thing would you dare to dream if you knew you could not fail? If you were absolutely GUARANTEED success in ANY one goal, small or large, short term or long term, what would it be?

This question used to scare the shit outta me.  I mean, I was terrified.  I was so scared of thinking about this big thought that I really wouldn’t allow myself to dream.  What kinda crap is that?

My mentality was of such sorts… I thought of dreams kinda how I saw words. Let me expand and explain…

I was a terrible speller for the first 2 decades of my life.  WHORE-A-BUL. Truth be told, I don’t think I actually ever even finished reading a book, from front to back, until I was about 20 years old (Catcher in the Rye).  Now, I LOVED words.  I loved the way they looked, loved the way they sounded, and loved the way they could cut through a sharp sentence and illuminate an expression.

Okay, so you may be wondering what any of this mumbo-jumbo has to do with DREAMing big…

Well, before the days of sci-fi futuristic spellchecking cell phones (the iPhones only been out 3 years!), I would write in my notebooks.  I always like writing, but there were a certain special group of words that I stayed away from.  I mean, I was actually afraid and refused to write some words down.  Guess which ones… YUP – the ones I didn’t know how to spell.

Let me articulate this clearly:  I would not write words down if I did not know how to spell the word – EVEN IF I KNEW THE WORD!! WTF!

So one day, I said fuck it (I knew how to spell that) – and I starting writing words that I had no clue how to spell – maniphest, euforic, lusid…  Guess what horrible happening happened next…

Absolutely nothing!  No one knew, and no one cared.

But changing this one little action stopped the repeated staunching of my rhetoric.  It allowed my thoughts to develop healthy, to have a flow and momentum – EVEN with not knowing exactly how to spell the word.

So back to my mentality of such sorts, the one where I thought of dreams kinda how I saw words.

In a simple sentence I’m saying this:  I would not allow myself to dream if I didn’t know how the dream would come true.

I was never taught how to dream.  I wasn’t raised consciously practicing faith.  I had no concept of defining my intent. Dreaming about things that I didn’t know how to obtain held a pretense of inevitably being disappointing (since I had no lusid idea of how they would maniphest and bring me a feeling of euforia).

Those days are gone.  I now know that there’s MAGIC in dreaming. Scientifically, visualization has been proven to work wonders.

And even if we don’t tap into a universally intelligent majestic means of manifesting our dopest dreams, the PROCESS of dreaming is the reward itself. It feels good to dream big, pretending and picturing our successes playing out in our heads.

I think I’ve spelled it our pretty clearly here – try it! Ask yourself:

What one great thing would i dare to dream if i knew i could not fail? If i were absolutely GUARANTEED success in ANY one goal, small or large, short term or long term, what would it be?

(and answer below)

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