Thanks so much for joining us in the Inner Circle this week! 🙂

Hop on over here to grab the MP3 of yesterday’s Inner Circle coaching call.

Our next call will be on Tuesday, May 10th at 5pm/EST. Mark it on your calendar as soul-time!

In the meantime, you can dig into the IC Archive here and stay connected with the whole crew in the FB group here!

Now, for this week’s big ideas…

Big Idea #1: What If Your Biggest Problem, Is Your Biggest Gift?

What if the thing that is bothering you the most, is actually what’s here to most serve you. It’s actually the best thing that can be happening? What if that was the case?

For example, a client of Rich Litvin came to him with a problem: his ADD. He couldn’t focus, was getting easily distracted and sidetracked, and he felt completely sabotaged in all aspects of his life due to his ADD. He explained that the only time his ADD doesn’t kick in, is when he’s doing something that he absolutely loves.

But what if this problem, his ADD, was actually his biggest gift? What if, his ADD was actually a gift, to only spend time on things that he really wants to be doing? What if his ADD was a sign that he shouldn’t be doing things that he doesn’t want to be doing? This one question changed this gentleman’s life. This man is Mark Silverman, and he went on to write a book called Only 10s about time management strategies and that you should only be doing things that you want to do. His biggest problem became his biggest gift. Boom.

Big Idea #2: Finding Presence In Your Breath

What if your breath was the trick to life? What if always being conscious of your breath was the answer and it was right under your nose the whole time? Your breath is your trust. Your breath is your safety. Your breath is your presence. Your breath is your power. We’re so quick to go up there into our head to find certainty, trying to find trust, safety, presence, power in our head. When really, it is within us, it is within our breath.

Big Idea #3: Making Intuition Based Decisions

Get out of your head and into movement. By connecting with our bodies, you’ll become more connected to yourself. Your intuition will bring up things that you might never see if you were sitting with a pad and pen or in front of your computer. Do whatever practice works for you. Whatever drops you into your body and really gets you in flow. Whether that’s dancing, exercising, running, something movement based to connect you with the whole of you instead of being in your head.

“When you make decisions in a shitty mood, they end up being shitty decisions.”

Especially life decisions. When you try to plan your life from a shitty mood, you end up with a shitty life. Raise your mood by doing self care, exercise, whatever that is for you and then check in with yourself. Go exercise, and then ask yourself the question. See what answer you get. It’s a great source of wisdom.

Let’s connect!

Stay connected throughout the week in the Facebook group!!!