She said…

“Every day I have a new idea of what I could do with my life – I need to find the one that sticks and stop going in circles.”

And continued…

“I am hoping one of the options picks me actually. I am looking for that purpose that once I find it, I can’t do anything but work towards it.”

Those are the words of an amazing woman rocking with us for next month’s Bali retreat.

Mannnnnnnnn, can I relate. Not only did I feel this way 5 years ago after leaving my job, but this kinda thinking STILL creeps up on me!

Despite having my “soul-biz” up, running, and rocking – I still find myself looking for that PERFECT idea.

You know, the one Tim Ferriss, or Elon Musk, or Steve Jobs would have! That “OMFG that was a smart idea!!” idea.

I endlessly circle around these questions: “Who do I REALLY wanna help? What’s the absolute BEST way to help them? And how can I get them 10x the normal results?!!!”

God damn it. I forgot again. Life doesn’t work that way!

Most of us think we need clarity BEFORE taking action.

But it actually works the other way around:

WHEN we take action, THEN we get clarity.

By taking action, we build up *momentum*… And then we start seeing opportunities we couldn’t have possibly imagined from back where we started.

Success and failure don’t exist in terms of “black and white”. As we move forward, we make adjustments based on what we learn.

It’s through THIS process that we get to experience the feeling of “I was meant to be doing this!”

So… Are you willing to not “get it perfect” and instead just “get it started”?!

The answer for me is YES. I’m willing to just get it started. And I’m very excited to announce that later this month we’ll be launching a podcast called “WTF Should I Do w/ My Life?!”!

(Short idea: The traditional roadmap for success is broken. So how do we create lives with more meaning, excitement, and authenticity – in the face of TODAY’S challenges?!!)

We’ll be doing a unique give-away to celebrate the launch – so stay tuned! 🙂

In the meantime, if you’re inspired to “get it started” as you head into 2016, you may enjoy joining my friend Andy Drish for his free “visioning process”. He’s super wise – and he’ll be walking us through his process for getting clarity on what would make 2016 exactly what your heart’s looking for.

I’ve done it before and I’ll be doing it again this Sunday. So if you’d like to join, you can do that here:

–> Create Your Life Vision For 2016

Sending you big love.

Thanks for taking the time to make yourself a better person, and the world a better place.

If you’re feelin’ it, drop a comment below – and lemme know one thing you’re gonna take action on this week!

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