What’s up, soul-sibling?

Question: Do you think you could increase the quality of your life? Could you feel better, think smarter, laugh more, control your thoughts, express yourself authentically, and connect with people who share the same values and beliefs as you? Could that be the norm – every day!?

5 years ago I would have answered: No. Nah. No way. And definitely, not.

I’m 27 years old now and this baby-face has sprouted some peach-fuzz. 🙂 But when I was 22, my perception of reality was very different. At that point in my life, I didn’t know myself too well. I just knew that I wasn’t anywhere near where I wanted to be in life.

Waking up in the morning was rarely exciting.

I felt like a prisoner and my life was the penitentiary.

Remember when you were a child and you *had* to go to school, no matter how badly you didn’t wanna go. Even if there was a kid twice your size waiting to kick your ass at the end of the day – you still needed to show up! I was 22 years old and my everyday life was waiting to kick my ass, every day! But I felt like I still *had* to show up.

I didn’t know if there was a way to change this. I sort of suspected it’d be like that forever. And I didn’t feel comfortable talking to most of my family, friends, and co-workers about my struggles because I felt like no one would “get” me or be able to relate to my challenges. After all, how ungrateful was I to be miserable about anything?! I had food, shelter, money, family, friends, and I was even getting laid occasionally (go me!). Who could I turn to, and who could I talk to without feeling like an over-privileged self-entitled psychopath?

Worst of all, I had some menacing thoughts racing around my mind, which questioned my self-worth, my intelligence, my future, my purpose, and even my sexuality. Those were topics too deep, dark, and scary to speak with someone about. Even a shrink. Since I didn’t really know myself, all these thoughts jeopardized my identity. External validation became vital for my survival. I paid more attention to what you thought of me than what I thought of myself.

So, what did I do about all this? Nothing! I isolated myself within the confines of my own mind which only made things worse. It felt like no-one else could possibly be questioning the same things that I was. It was just too much – I had to be the only one going through these things.

My life was a plethora of paradoxes. I was successful but miserable. I felt special but ashamed. I looked confident but was terrified. I felt entitled but undeserving. I had tons of options but the overwhelmingness paralyzed me. Life looked glamorous but it wasn’t fun. I was trapped in freedom.


Sensophy isn’t my job, it’s my CALLING. It’s my heart, soul, and spirit sprawled out in front of you in hopes that you’ll be inspired and empowered to create a higher quality life.

I KNOW ITS POSSIBLE to feel better, think smarter, laugh more, control our thoughts, express ourselves authentically, and connect with people who share our beliefs and values – every day! That is my life! And my life is my message to you. I’ve published over 190 blog posts on Sensophy in the last 2 years to prove it.

It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it!

Back to the misery though. 🙂

How did I collapse those paradoxes and move onto this path? By getting a glimpse at a glimmer of possibility. I went to Europe alone for 5 weeks and it *challenged my assumptions* of reality. That’s all it took to start. It took being exposed to a possibility! A possibility that I could live a higher quality life, not based on fancy flashy consumerist crap. But rather based on sustainable happiness and things that were personally meaningful to me.

Literally, I’m getting chills as I write this… Wait, wait… Here come the watery eyes (seriously). Because no bullshit, exactly 3 years ago (to the date) I was on that trip in Europe, being shown the possibilities that I could playfully create my ideal life. I was so stressed out and so hopeless when I started that trip.

Now I wanna show YOU the possibilities. I wanna show you that together we can help people raise their quality of lives, but it starts with us raising our own quality of life first. I wanna show you how I operate my life and business: by combining heart with head while doing the right thing and trusting that it’ll work out.

It’s only been three years since I was living in those dreadful conditions. And look at my life now- this is my reality! I get paid to live an extraordinary life while I help other people do the same. And it’s just the start.

Let’s be straight-up: For sure – my paycheck is a lot smaller now than it was 3 years ago. And I don’t always know exactly how I’m going to pay the rent or feed the furballs. But I do know that THIS IS MY CALLING. This is my purpose. And living on purpose isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it. Besides, before I lived a working-class life. And now, I live a high-class life, just with less money (traveling to exotic places & doing what I want, when I want).

I’m following my heart and at times that involves getting comfortable with a TON of uncertainty. It’s only been 2 and a half years since I’ve left my job – imagine where we can be in 10 years with this patience, persistence, and diligence!

I’m looking to build a small team, and I’m wondering if you’d be the right fit for it.

Enter: Team Sensophy!

If you believe that people can create higher quality lives, and you want to be part of this Sensophy movement, here’s your chance. I’m looking for a few people to bring on board. If you’d like to be one of them, please reply to this email and answer these questions in 100 words or less:

  • Why are you interested in being part of Team Sensophy?
  • Which ideas on Sensophy are you most passionate about, and how do you currently embody them?
  • What’s the one thing you’ve accomplished in your life that you’re super proud of? And why?
  • What useful skills do you have that could contribute to Sensophy? (Social media, proofreading, design, coding, marketing, etc…)
  • What vision or ideas do you have for Sensophy in the future?

(Authenticity wins big points.)

You can email me at [email protected] those answers. 🙂

If you’re selected to be a part of the squad, the options are endless. You’ll get access to me and everything I know. Plus I’ll do a private weekly coaching session with you. I’ll show you how I’ve created a high quality life and a business that serves people in a deeply meaningful and unique way. It’ll start out as an unpaid position (pick your own title), but after 3 months we’ll see if we can get cash flowing your way for all your hard work.

This is a chance to help raise people’s quality of life – and it starts with your own. Looking forward to connecting soon!! 🙂

On Purpose,

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