If you haven’t already, you can apply now to join us in Bali in 2015!

Today I might seem crazy to you, Soul-Sibling…

A little Eminem mixed with some Russell Brand.

But it’s too late to stop me, I’m rattling the cage!

[Bites down and shows teeth.]

Here it is…

The world is waiting for you to serve it powerfully!

And there’s NO damn reason for you not to be enjoying the journey of using your limited time on this planet to make it happen!

I’m not saying it’s easy.

I’m saying it’s possible – and worth it!

Right now, we’re gonna do 3 things:

  1. Have the no-BS talk you’ve been scared to have about what REALLY matters…
  2. Expose the bastards that are keeping you stuck in a fear-driven life…
  3. Come up with a game plan so you can finally answer the question of WTF should I do w/ my life?!


Things are shifting inside of our community.

People are sticking their middle finger up – I’ll explain toward who in a second.

No matter how much you’ve struggled in the past, you’ll soon understand why it’s not your fault.

But it is your time to go DEEP.

So take a deep breath and consider this possibility

Is it possible that you’re living inside of an invisible prison?

Not a physical prison…

But a spiritual one.

One that keeps you psychologically enslaved.

A prison that *if* you don’t break free from…

You’ll settle for living a half-hearted, stale, and non-contributing life.

The prison is what I call… “The How-To Hallucination”.

Here’s what that means…

As a culture, we believe that if we want to do something, we need to know HOW TO do it.


At first glance, if I asked you…

“Why don’t you have exactly what you want in life?”

You’d probably say because you don’t know “how to” get it!

And because your head can’t clearly calculate the exact steps…

“THAT’S” why you don’t have your dream life.

But that is BO——GUS!

Because contrary to common wisdom (which isn’t very wise), the universe doesn’t work that way.

Far greater than the wisdom of society is the wisdom of the universe.

Hear me out.

This isn’t some new-age “woo-woo” blah-blah.

I’m not dangling crystals or blaming “Mercury for being in retrograde”.

I’m talking about the mother-fucking wisdom of the universe, yo!!!

(aka life, nature, god, hova, Jay-Z, whatever…)

It’s the wisdom that miraculously beats our hearts and grows our fingernails…

It’s the wisdom that turns a plant toward the sun and sends birds to warm weather in the winter…

It’s the wisdom which turns an embryo into a baby – a baby into a child – a child into an adult – and an adult into YOU!

And when we align ourselves with the rhythms of THAT natural wisdom…

(instead of what society artificially says we SHOULD do)…

THEN we’re able to create things when we don’t know “how-to”.


What exactly is that wisdom? And how can you use it?

Our homeboy (and expert mythologist) Joseph Campbell called it “The Hero’s Journey”.

And it involves leaving behind your perceived safety and security in order to *follow your heart*.

What I’m about to say might seem like a bold statement, and it is, but hear me out.

What’s in your heart is the universe’s wisdom.

As Paulo Coelho said…

There is one great truth on this planet… when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the universe. It’s your mission on earth.

To follow that impulse is frightening. Your friends and family will think you’re nutso.

And you CAN’T know how it’ll work out.

But essentially, you’ve got two options.

  1. Don’t follow your heart… And end up self-medicating, secretly miserable, and settling for a life of quiet desperation. Or…
  2. Answer the universe’s calling… And step out into uncertainty despite your fears.

Campbell explains how you’ll find a mentor to support you and help build your tribe of soul-siblings.

A part of you will die… so that a new part can be born.

And as you transform into the next best version of yourself… you’ll find the treasure (inside of you) which the world is waiting for you to give to it!


Now I know this email might be confronting. And you might initially try to resist this idea.

That’s a normal part of The Hero’s Journey.

But *every* person you admire has followed their heart.

And they’ve done it when their head didn’t know how it would work out.

The unconscious reason you admire them is because they’re reflecting back to you YOUR OWN POTENTIAL to do the same!

Let’s be clear.

Uncertainty is not the problem… Uncertainty is the path!

And when I talk about following your heart, I’m talking about aligning with the wisdom of the universe.

This is what Steve Jobs was talking about when he said…

You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.

It’s the wisdom of the universe.

But if this wisdom is true then how come everyone isn’t living their dream?

What is it that keeps us trapped in the “How-To Hallucination”?

And if we don’t need to know exactly “how to” rock it, then what do we need to know?

[putting on my Eminem skully-hat]

Ah, fuck it, here we go.

Soul-Sibling, open your eyes!

We’ve become tranced-out consumers living under a cultural hypnosis!

Mass-media and the multi-billion dollar corporations that control it have brainwashed us to believe we’re stupid and not enough!

They propagate fear as a form of social control – making us believe the world is a terrifying and horrible place!

If Isis doesn’t kill you then Ebola will!

We’ve been so badly bombarded with stories of fear that we’ve lost faith in humanity… and ourselves!

Here’s a new flash the media isn’t reporting about… Slavery still exists, except it’s not racially biased anymore.

We’re all held hostage in a culture of consumption with invisible bars of insecurity and inadequacy.

[Takes hat off and leans in toward you.]

The good news is…

You have the power to make a change.

A change for you. A change for the world.

Whatever’s missing from your life isn’t because of a lack of knowing “HOW TO”…

It’s because of a lack of WANT TO!

And the WANT TO is missing because of the fear which society has bombarded you with.

But that fear is bullshit!

I know it feels real… but it’s just an illusion the enterprise projects to maintain social control.

THEY planted that inner critic in your consciousness.

THEY made you feel weird for not being “normal”.

THEY tricked you into thinking money, fame, and beauty would make you happy when it actually made you feel empty.

Step outside of the hallucination.

You’ll feel lighter… happier… free.

This isn’t possible for just a limited gifted few… It’s possible for YOU.

Stop thinking about what you CAN do – start honoring what you really WANT TO do.

Because here’s the wisdom of the universe…

When you WANT something badly enough, and commit to doing it, then you learn HOW TO along the way!

When you take a step toward the universe, the universe takes a step toward you.

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls.

– Joseph Campbell

If you keep yourself stuck in the circle of fear – constantly seeking comfort and desperately avoiding uncertainty – then you will NEVER live with a deeper purpose.

It’s just not how life works.

To be clear… I am not advising that you give up rational thinking, indulge in your guilty temptations and “trust” it’ll all work out.


I am advising that you follow your heart and use your head to figure it out!

When things don’t go as you planned, don’t say “I guess it wasn’t meant to be”.

Instead, take your self-worth out of the equation, surround yourself with people who treat life like an exciting adventure, and ask yourself…

“What can I learn from this that will help me as I readjust and keep moving forward?”

As a mentor of mine, Brian Johnson, once told me…

“Yes, we know that society does anything but encourage us to discover who we are and how to go out and give ourselves to the world.

But that’s why they call it the “hero’s” journey.

 If it wasn’t a challenge it’d be something like “the average person’s” journey. Not so inspiring.

The hallmark of the advanced soul is a healthy relationship to fear.”

Soul-Sibling – YES – I’m talking to you!!!

It’s time to take a stand for yourself – for your brothers, sisters, and soul-siblings.

The world does not work the way Fox News tells you it does.

You have the capacity to be powerful beyond your wildest imagination.

And the first step to breaking free is gaining awareness – which you now have.

But in order to stay out of the invisible prison, you’ll need to take the second step – ACTION!

Here’s what you can do RIGHT NOW (not in a minute, hour or day).

Embrace your freedom and answer these questions:

  1. If you had all the time and all the money in the world, what contribution would you want to make and to who?
  2. What’s the next baby-step you could take toward doing that, and when will you take it?
  3. Are you as inspired as I am right now?!

If the answer is YES, awesome! But here’s the thing…

Inspiration is perishable, and if you don’t use it, you lose it.

So you’ve got two options right now…

The first… You can listen to what your fears are saying, ignore these questions, worry about what people will think, and keep telling yourself “one-day.”

The second… You’ll step up, commit to doing the work necessary, get out of your comfort zone, and take the next baby-step to make your dreams come true!

Which one does your soul wanna do?

If the answer is STEP UP, I’ve got good news…

We’re forming an intimate group of soul-siblings who are fully committing to taking this wisdom and LIVING IT.

Not thinking about it…

Not reading about it…

Not even just talking about it…

But fully LIVING IT!

The project is called…

–> Dharma, Dollars, and Dopeness

And it’s going to help you…

Find your purpose… so you’ll have the peace of mind that you’re making the right choices in life, no matter what crossroad you’re at – or what Fox News is blabbing about.

Create sustainable happiness… to give you the confidence and self-esteem which comes from knowing how to consistently feel at your best – despite the inevitable challenges that’ll come up.

Get paid to do what you love… so you can feel fully expressed and be financially-free as you give your greatest gifts to the world.

All this wisdom is inspiring and powerful.

But modern science shows (as does the wisdom of the universe) that…

Change won’t last unless you change your community or environment.

That’s why…

It’s happening… in person… for 9 days… with 15 of us… in breathtaking Bali!

This will be unlike ANY experience you’ve ever had.

As Brooke (and everyone else) from our last retreat said…

“Sensophy in Bali gave me access to the most inspiring and supportive community I have ever known.”

Not just for 9 days. But for life!

Before you apply to join us, beware: This retreat is only for people who have a passionate commitment to making a difference on the planet while enjoying themselves in the process.

If you’re not inspired to do something great, and you don’t see the value in powerful community, mentoring and support, then you shouldn’t apply.

But if you are inspired to follow your heart and live with a deep sense of purpose while moving forward with your soul’s goals, STEP UP!

–> Apply now!

Applications are flowing in and time is of the essence!

YES. It’s a courageous step.

But that’s how the wisdom of the universe works!

I hope we get to join forces and connect soon.

On purpose,


Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way.

 -W.H. Murray, Everest-climbing mountaineer
