Lessons For My Unborn SeedOne day in the not-too-distant future, I’ll be dead. My body will be buried. My soul will have escaped my frame. Not to be too morbid, but sometimes, reminding ourselves that we’ll be dead soon is the best way to be alive right now…

So before my body and soul divorce, before the tears and smiles in my memory, before the future and after the past, I have more to do with my life. I have love to make. I have people to help. I have challenges to overcome and lessons to learn from them.

Before I pass on, I have some wisdom which I’d like to pass on; in particular, to my unborn children. To my fertile seeds which have yet to find soil, as of now, here’s the best advice I have to offer you on your adventure. This is my guidance to you. Try these ideas out for yourself — keep what works, and ditch the rest.

Be compassionate. To yourself, and others.

Get out of your comfort zone every day. This is where you will grow. And never stop growing.

Spend time weekly with people you admire or love. Life is far more fulfilling with friends to share it with.

Perform a random act of kindness every day. It benefits everyone.

Your work is to discover your work, and then, with all your heart, to give yourself to it. Okay, that one was Buddha. Here’s a hint.

Don’t chase money… Money is like a pretty woman — if you chase her, she’ll run. Instead, attract her to you by creating the correct conditions.

Focus on finding your passions. Combine them with your strengths and use them to provide value to the world. Money will follow.

Have faith in miracles… You’re living one.

Have faith in yourself…You’re a miracle.

Embrace your emotional side. Chills and goose-bumps signify the miraculous.

Your power is beyond measure. Your beauty is beyond judgment. Greatness is your destiny.

Be conscious of not blindly conforming to social norms. Normal is not synonymous with good. I’ve found it oftentimes to be the opposite.

When you know “why” you want something, the “how to get it” will present itself.

Before you take advice from someone, ask yourself if you want your life to look like theirs.

Get clear on what you value, and then act accordingly to be in integrity with it. This is a formula for self-worth.

Create a life where you’re excited about helping others.

You deserve the best. You have my permission to get it.

Honor your energy. Maximize it. Spend it wisely.

Stay away from pessimists and people who put others down.

Before you criticize, condemn, or complain, ask yourself how you are similar to what it is you don’t like.

Create good habits and make them your masters. Shoot for a new one every 30 days and revisit old ones to reinforce them.

Surround yourself with people who make you want to be a better person.

Cultivate a sense of personal power. Do this by doing what needs to be done, whether you feel like it or not.

Be honest. It raises your self-worth.

Be playful. It raises your quality of life.

Never stop evolving.

Learn about who you are.

Learn about who you want to become.

Fear is normal. Breathe deep when you feel it. Learn to love it. It signifies a stage in your personal evolution.

Respect your body.


Have patience. With yourself, and with others.

Take responsibility. Especially when no one else wants to.

Don’t mistake responsibility with blame.

Look at your life like a work of art. A thriller. A romance. A comedy. An inspirational story.

Push yourself.

Take it easy on yourself.

Open your 6th sense up. Practice spirituality.

Be willing to fail repeatedly in order to grow. If you’re feeling discouraged, study people who persevered.

Get great mentors.

Be a great mentor.

Play every day.

Don’t get too comfortable. Comfort kills slowly. Either way, you won’t be here long. Decide what it is you want to do before you pass.

Set a goal that seems too unrealistic to ever achieve. Someday, somewhere, somehow, someone will achieve it… maybe it’ll be you.


Learn the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Follow the former.

Listen to your gut, follow your inner voice.

Don’t mistake your thoughts for who you are. Thoughts are nothing more than habits of the mind. You can create new habits in your mind the same way you can create them in your daily routines.

Love. Life is better this way.

And that leaves us with the last piece of advice I have for you.

If your eyes never see this, that’s okay too. The reason is, ideally, I’d like you to look at my life as a whole and in it, see each of the lessons above, embodied by me. Talk is tempting but it’s overrated. Lead by example.

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